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West High School prays for a good school year, safety and peace

For the fourth year in a row, teachers, students and community leaders came together to pray about whatever was on their hearts.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A group of community members stood in a semi-circle on Sunday during a moment of silence for safety, peace and love.

"And to help this world that's sometimes hard to live in," West High School bible study leader Ashley Caradine said. 

She said West High School's prayer walk started as an opportunity to pray over the year.

"We strongly believe prayer changes things," she said. 

But over the last four years, it has grown into a space where people could pray over just about anything.

"Just create that hope that people still actually care, people are fighting for things to look differently," she said. 

Unfortunately, this year it fell on the same weekend as two national tragedies.

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Caradine said that emphasizes the need for these spiritual moments.

"These kinds of spaces, these kinds of outlets do make a difference in the community," she said.

Especially to parents like Eunice Norris, who helps organize the walk every year.

"When you see all this crazy stuff happen how do you process it," Norris said. 

She said when she thinks about why the walk matters so much, she reflects on her own life.

"I went to really rough schools growing up and saw stuff I'd prefer my kids not to see," she said. 

That history brought her here, to a place where she could create something different.

"We all don't want us or our kids to experience something that is hard but it does happen," she said. 

While Norris doesn't believe hardship is the kind of thing you can cure overnight, she hopes by doing what she can, when she can, she will bring a little safety, peace and love to those who need it most.

"Because of my experiences with violence, I feel like even if I can't prevent those things we can be a channel of love for the people who are hurting afterwards," she said.

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