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As summer rolls in, pest control experts share tips on preventing ticks and fleas infestation

A manager with Arrow Exterminators in Maryville said they receive calls about this problem daily.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Pest control experts say summer tends to be a very popular season for ticks and fleas in East Tennessee.

"It is hot, it is humid outside," Gary Saunders, senior service center manager at Arrow Exterminators in Maryville, said. "And it is definitely a problem that we get calls about every day."

That is why Saunders and other pest control experts say it is time for people with pets to prioritize tick and flea prevention.

"If they do not take action, it is only going to get worse," Saunders added. "It is one of those problems that will not go away on its own; you have to do something to get rid of the problem."

Ticks can cause big problems for your pets, including transmitting diseases like Lyme disease.

Here are some things Saunders wants you to put into practice:

1. Keep your yard clean. Try to keep the grass mowed as short as possible. Saunders said you want to avoid any leaf litter or debris because those are great hiding spots for fleas and ticks.

2. Wear proper clothing outside. That includes long-sleeved shirts and pants if possible. Also, try to wear clothing light-in-color so ticks are easier to detect.

3. Do a proper inspection of both yourself and your pet when you go back inside. Saunders recommends checking your pet's footpads and around their ears.

4. Wash your clothes when you come in and wash the pet bedding frequently.

5. Vacuum the inside of your home.

6. If you do notice an infestation, call the exterminators sooner rather than later. 

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