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Service & Sacrifice: War photo Carousel

A Vietnam veteran in East Tennessee recently unboxed hundreds of film slides he sent home to his parents decades ago to document his experience at war.

Hundreds of slides capturing the daily life of a soldier in the Vietnam War sat tucked away on a shelf for decades before an East Tennessee veteran recently opened the box.

“I sent these home to my parents so they could see what I was doing,” recalled the now 71 year old Doug Ragsdale holding a projector remote and ready to see those slides again for the first time in almost 50 years.

In his early twenties Mr. Ragsdale served as a part-time door gunner on a Chinook helicopter. He had cut his teeth as photographer with the annual staff in high school and carried that same Cannon Pellix camera with him to Vietnam. He captured thousands of images: Life on a remote fire base, the local population, and R&R trips to places like Hong Kong.

“The good and the bad, and there were a few “uglys” too,” said Mr. Ragsdale with a chuckle.

In addition to our on-camera conversation and sharing a few of his photos, the Army veteran also took time to answer the following 10 questions about how the military influenced his life.

10 Questions

1. What one person influenced you most in life?

Dad. Taught to serve; God, country, and family

2. Do you feel honored and respected for serving your country?

Now I do. Then, no.

3. How can people thank you for your service?

A simple thank you. I appreciate discounts and how I’m treated by my church.

4. How do you honor your fellow service men and women?

Thank them when I run into them at the VA

5. How do you think this generation of military men and women is different or similar to yours?

Different because they are smarter. The same, because they are young and somewhat clueless.

6. What influence did your military service have on the rest of your life?

Life is temporary. It changes in a flash. Appreciate every day and appreciate America.

7. Does your family have a history of military service?

Great grandfather. Uncle. Dad.

8. Would you encourage younger generations in your family to join the service?

Son. Grandson. Yes, if I had no way of paying for and education.

9. How has your opinion of war changed?

It’s brutal. You don’t leave it behind.

10. How did your military experience shape your religious faith?

Made me stronger and blessed.

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