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Tennessee looking to recruit poll workers for upcoming elections. Here's how you can volunteer

Poll worker duties can include processing voters, explaining how to mark a ballot, using the voting equipment or counting votes.

TENNESSEE, USA — Tennessee officials are launching their push to recruit poll workers for this year's elections.

Poll workers are assigned duties at a polling site during early voting and on Election Day. Duties can include processing voters, explaining how to mark a ballot, using the voting equipment or counting votes.

Secretary of State Tre Hargett's office said poll workers must be at least 16 or a registered voter if 18 or older.

They cannot be a candidate or close relative of one, or work for a municipal or county supervisor on the ballot, and must be able to read and write in English.

Poll workers are paid for training, early voting and Election Day work.

Additionally, they help count absentee votes. 

Those interested in becoming a poll worker can apply at pollworkers.govotetn.com

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