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Scott County Sheriff's Office warns about rise in counterfeit cash being used across East Tennessee

Deputies are warning businesses to double-check the cash they get from customers.

SCOTT COUNTY, Tenn. — "Funny money" is being found in East Tennessee. The Scott County Sheriff's Office said it is being used at stores across the area and they said this batch of fake cash actually looks more realistic than most. Authorities in Knox and Monroe counties said they have come across it too.

Knox County is no exception to the fake money making its way across East Tennessee, and authorities are warning that accidentally using it can lead people to legal trouble.

"Unfortunately ignorance is not a defense in court," said Lt. Matt Lawson.  

Each case involving the money will be thoroughly investigated, he said. With money like this circulating in Scott County, authorities said people need a sharp eye.

"Those numbers that change color are textured and you can tell the difference between a real bill and ones that have been run through a printer," said Monroe County Detective Jason Fillyaw.

Washed money is another concern, and a good way to tell if it is authentic is to see if the president on the bill and the holographic number match up with what's on the face of the bill. For instance, if you have a $50 bill, there should be a strip saying "50" when you hold it up to the light.

In Monroe County, detectives said they get reports of fake cash two or three times a week.

"A $10 bill, a $20 bill, sometimes some fives that are counterfeit," Fillyaw said.

Anyone who comes across fake cash should reach out to the police and report it, preventing it from being used and ensuring they don't end up in legal trouble themselves.

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