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2 lifelong friends reach Eagle Scout rank together while making Beaver Creek safer for visitors

Together, they enhanced safety and navigation along Beaver Creek by mapping the entire 44-mile length of the blue trail and installing mile markers along the bank.

POWELL, Tenn. — Two East Tennessee high schoolers earned their Eagle Scout rank after mapping and installing emergency markers along Beaver Creek. Henry Jordan and Andy Phillips have been lifelong friends and Boy Scouts since the first grade.

"I've known him for, what, 10 or 11 years now, and you become close with someone after that long of a time," said Phillips. 

Just as they started Boy Scouts together, they joined forces to earn their Eagle Scout rank with one another as well. 

"For me, it wasn't necessarily getting to Eagle, it was the memories and journeys that we had along the way," said Phillips. 

Together, they have taken on the task of enhancing safety and navigation along Beaver Creek by mapping the entire 44-mile length of the blue trail and installing emergency mile markers along the bank.

"So all these signs have latitude and longitude, so if you call 911 and tell them we just passed mile marker 'whatever,' or you can tell them your latitude and longitude and they will be able to find you and come help you," said Jordan. 

After two years and around 500 volunteer hours, the two boys have achieved their goal of making the community a safer place for everybody.

"So not only will it be able to help people find out where they are at on the creek, if there is an emergency it will help with knowing where they're at," said Phillips. 

Their combined love for the creek and for helping their community led them to become Eagle Scouts. 

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