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A symbol of a Knoxville women's values met with anonymous and hateful letter

After creating a piece of art that replicates the U.S. flag, a Knoxville woman was met with an angry letter.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn — For Vicki Brandt, a U.S. flag with slogans including "diversity is celebrated" and "truth and facts matter" started as a symbol of who she is. 

"This was more of a personal endeavor for me," she said. "It was kind of a cathartic experience because all of the dissension that's been going on and divisiveness, I wanted to do something I could pour my heart and soul into."

She worked tirelessly to bring her vision to light. She said that she spent around a month on it, spending a few hours per day working to make it look perfect.

Her husband, Dave, is her biggest fan. 

"She introduced me to the idea of what she was going to do, and so I just went up to check on her every so often and she was always right in there, engrossed in it," Dave Brandt said.

Things took a turn when they received a hateful letter in the mail telling them to leave the country. It also told her to take the flag down.

"Incredible sadness that someone felt the need to anonymously send us that message because at the end of the day it's a form of intimidation and an effort to silence people," said Brandt.

For Brandt, she thought they were basic values that everyone could agree on.

"Whatever your background, maybe I just felt like these were all indisputable points that were not necessarily controversial that hopefully would provoke thought and not anger," Brandt said.

The Brandts aren't deterred by this. Instead, they said that they want people to use their voices and be heard.

"Vote and make your voice be heard," Vicki Brandt said.

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