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Visit Farragut introduces new town maps and Visitor Guide for anyone exploring the town

The new visitor guide is 36 pages and includes information about attractions, dining, hotels, shopping, Farragut's history, parks and more.

FARRAGUT, Tenn. — Visit Farragut has created its first-ever guide for people stopping by the East Tennessee town. It's a 36-page booklet available at the Farragut Community Center, inside some hotels, at some retail stores and in other spots across Farragut.

People can also read the Farragut Visitor Guide online, which includes links to restaurants and stores across the town. There is also a calendar of events, highlighting some of the biggest festivities held in Farragut throughout the year.

The guide also includes a map illustrated by a local artist, roughly showing where some of the most significant spots are in relationship with each other and which major roads run through the town. 

"Tourism in Tennessee is so important in helping out communities survive. It brings money in and it really supports those communities being able to thrive," said a spokesperson for Visit Farragut.

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